10 JULY 2022

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TEXT: 1 Peter 4:1-11
READING: Ephesians 6:10-24

SUBJ: The present reality as to sin and suffering; and the precious prospect that is at hand.

AIM: That we cease from sin in every sense of the word but especially in the matter of its effect on our life and our hope for the future.

1. Peter’s emphasis throughout has been to set the believing life off against the difficulties presented by suffering.
2. Christ is always the ultimate example in all things. But especially in suffering.
3. Peter directs our attention to the precious expectation of promises fulfilled.

THESIS: In that Christ has triumphed over suffering, He has given us both a sense of victory and the hope of all that He has obtained.

I. First, we look at the example of Christ and His suffering in the flesh. (vv. 1-2)

1. And we would see it in the context of this passage and the book of 1 Peter.
    1) Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
    2) Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind     earthly things.)
    3) We must treat this as a matter of armament (Put on the whole armor of God…)
2. This done, we will have ceased from sin (even if this is literal death):
    1) If it is unto literal death.
    2) If it is in the expectation of death.
    3) And consider the Thessalonian fear for those who had died.
3. The purposes God are what we should desire. That is, we should desire to be delivered from the control of the flesh and live rather in the will of God.
4. Consider that it is folly for men to simply will this change – there must be a death to sin.

II. “For this cause…” (vv. 3-6)

1. In time past we felt as if following accepted thought was sufficient (there wouldn’t be any suffering of this kind).
2. The world will react to change and that which is different – we will be thought strange if we do not stay with the pattern.
3. We are reminded, however, that they will give account
    1) “to him who is ready to judge the quick and the dead.”
    2) Especially, we should note that the “dead” are here mentioned.
4. For the cause or reason of this judgment, the gospel was preached.
    1) It had been preached to some who had died (Before they died -- no specific mention of Christ doing the preaching     here). See the reference to the matter of life in v. 2 and v. 3.
    2) Many then had died at the time of this writing both saved and unsaved.
    3) Even those of old had had the gospel through types, shadows, promises and prophecy. Thus, the same judgment     applies.
    4) Nothing will fully support the idea of Christ preaching to men in hell.

III. We are to be watching unto prayer (vv. 7-11)

1. Suffering? So what? The end of all things in at hand. “to die is gain.”
2. So, we are to look to grace and that ability to be sober (in control) regardless of what comes from without.
3. We are instructed to watch in everything (every aspect of our lives and with respect to what we see going on around us).
4. Prayer comes as a result of watching (see verse 7).
5. In the pursuit of those things which look to life and Godliness we find grace and peace.
    1) In being exercised in fervent love (agape) we are strong and unafraid. Be not weary in well doing.
    2) Charity is not merely had, it is acted out.
6. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
7. There is to be good stewardship of the grace of God.
    1) Of gifts
    2) Of speaking
    3) Of glorifying God (v. 11)


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