If you have arrived at this website today and you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ in the pardon and forgiveness of sin, we urge you to continue reading!
Why? Because human life is eternal. When a human dies, his or her soul continues to exist and it is of utmost importance where that soul is to spend eternity.
There is one God who created the heavens, the earth and the sea and all that dwell therein. He also created man in His image. God has infinite power and He is Holy.
God also created a beautiful garden for the man and the woman he created to dwell in. He met them and walked with them in the garden. Yet, they disobeyed God, which is sin, and sin severed their relationship with God. Each soul since has been born with a heart of rebellion toward God and a tendency to sin. Ignoring God and the gift of His son is a sin! The wages of sin is death, spiritual death, eternal separation from God, the source of all light and life; and eternal suffering.
The love of God, who is rich in mercy, moved Him to plan and execute a way that sinful man might be reconciled unto Holy God.
He sent His Son Jesus Christ, who is God manifest in the flesh, to earth over 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ lived a life of perfect obedience on the earth; He was and is without sin. Yet, He voluntarily took the punishment for the sin of all who believe when He was crucified on a cruel cross.
How do we know that God accepted Christ’s sacrifice? Because Christ rose again on the third day, was seen 40 days on earth, ascended back to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God!
Jesus Christ calls men everywhere to repentance toward God and Faith toward Himself.
These things believed and trusted in are the evidence of being born again of the Spirit of God.
Many today are trying to “disbelieve” God out of existence. It cannot be done! Man’s vehement denial of the existence and power of God does not change God even an iota! He still holds all power in his omnipotent hand and every human will stand before Him someday. There are only two places your sin can be . . . on you, or on Christ.
We urge you to fall upon His mercy today!