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Pastor Brant Seacrist

DECEMBER 20, 2020



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SUBJ: The humble manner of the birth of Christ and the reaction of men, the manner of even His ministry and the position of power to which He has ascended and so shall it be forever.

AIM: That we might honor our Lord in all the ways of His presentation to us as Son of Man and Son of God and it the glorious expectation we have of the consummation that awaits us.

INTR: There is no Gospel that does not include the virgin birth of Christ in that He is presented to us as Emmanuel and the promised Savior.
1. We note in place in the design of God that has been revealed from ages past and then brought to pass to our faith.
2. Sadly, the powerful revelations in both the Old and New Testaments have given place to adaptations that better suit the understanding of men and lack the depth of consideration that is due them.
3. We do love the story and rejoice to hear it again and again and we will endeavor to tell it again today and often – He is God manifest in the flesh.

THESIS: At every thought of the Gospel, we must be connected both to the eternal promise of God and the accomplishment of it in everything we see and know of Christ our Lord. In remembering His birth, we remember that He is our salvation.

I. The Story in Luke and its connection to the text:
1. Unto us a child is born
1) The announcement had been made that Mary would give birth to the Christ of God and she is inspired to worship – “And Mary said, my soul doth magnify the Lord.”
2) The providential occurrence that brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem – taxation – with the result that the prophecy of Micah would be fulfilled.
3) The manner of the announcement to the shepherds – men of low estate in the minds of men – who would continue the message
4) And the humble circumstance of His birth – laid in a manger.
2. Unto us, “A son is given!”
1) And we are told of His identity with us, noting His often reference to being the Son of Man.
2) Literally, He became one of us so that He might fully identify with us in every way so as to represent us before the Father.
3) For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. (Hebrews 2:10)
4) And so, the announcement would not be published to the rulers of this world – and it would not be to them that He was sent.
3. And so, the message to the shepherds:
1) A glorious scene that must have such an impact on those lonely shepherds
2) A comforting word from the Angels – fear not
3) A profound declaration that would have been understood by any Jew – Christ had been born in Bethlehem and with the proper sign given them – a babe, swaddling clothes, and a manger.
4) The scene then joined by the heavenly host – the refrain is “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

II. Of Christ and His government
1. The Names of Christ our Lor
1) Wonderful – in His birth and His coming again, His works and the great salvation we are made to enjoy.
2) Counselor – Gospel direction (repent and believe), Wisdom and intuition with regard to human nature and our needs, in application of the Word to our life with Him.
3) The mighty God – The little baby is the mighty God – we see His works from creation to revelation and beyond.
4) The everlasting Father – the expectation from the manger – The Father revealed in Him as One with the Father.
5) The Prince of Peace – The One designated to bring and administer Peace with God and the peace of God – “My peace I leave with you.”
2. The increase of His government (v. 7)
1) It is now and it is unending, and He is:
2) We rejoice that Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. (Psalms 2:6-7).
3) Justice and judgment forever: Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Psalms 89:14)
4) The zeal of the Lord shall perform it.